Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sometimes you just need someone to O* to what you are told for your sanity to stay in a jar somewhere. Luckily I have a sister.

* had a word starting with O but forgot it. read my mind and go find it for me, when you find it, tell me and i'll be a happy person. was it ''object" ?? I don't ask me.

RE today--> COMPLETE silence. Carrie, Annie and I were cracking up because highlighting was loud, sharpening was loud, shaking the banned-but-not-really-whiteout was EXTREMELY loud and the worst part was, we had to laugh silently because it was so quiet, when carrie dropped her sharpener on the table it was loud enough to be the atmoic bomb and kill everyone's microscopic hair cells.

 In the car before we went, mum and i had a mini argument and then went to Burwood to shop and eat chilli, sichuan food. After the argument, i told her about my two marks that i am EXTREMELY happy with and she was like 'congratulations' in mega sarcastic voice...i later asked why she didn't seem happy and she said she'd rather me respect her and me do badly...if i'm going to be smart than i can be smart, but she won't care as long as i have respect...and that sort of made me angry and feel like just not trying anymore...would she prefer it if i failed school, wasn't smart enough to find a job and had to have her pay for me but respect her?

On the bright side...i taught pepper how to shake my hand :)
oh yeah, life long goal: I WANT TO BE A HORSE. (not joking)

"I would rather live my life thinking there was a God and die to find out there isn't, than live a life thinking there isn't and die to found out there is." Room 19. YES. IT SPOKE TO ME.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

close your eyes and listen to the water travel around its world of hydrosphere

I was walking Pepper today and met a lady who had 2 bichonfrisecrosslhasaapsos *phew. she happened to buy one of her dogs at the same time as pepper from the same place with both birthdays in May. Pepper met her brother one year later (now) it was the cutest thing ever, they look like family and i would post a picture of them but I can't be bothered. when long lost siblings unite you'd expect something emotional, but all i saw was running round in circles and sniffing each other's butts.

Feeling rather insightful today, listening to music, finally handed in my piece of crap of a painting, learnt nothing in science, watched much to do about nothing in English, didn't have maths (!!!), did a japanese interview with Barack (what the hell?! how do you spell it) Obama, felt suicidal when looking at Jo and Jane's paintings (this is normal), had nothing on at lunch, ate a cherry ripe fudge cookie for 50c and may or may not have fallen asleep on the bus...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Melanoma never felt so good-In memory of Friday 23rd

Picture this-->trapped inside a dull, indoor auditorium for 2 hours. You feel coldness whether it be from the conditioning or the utter boredom blown through your ears. You walk outside and feel the sudden but pleasant warmth and vitamin D of the sun.

Jo, Carrie and I literally lay in the sun with our handbooks over our faces (you have no idea, it was soothing because the pages were...refreshing?) We lay our heads on our surprisingly comfortable laptop cases (which are hard cased) and lay there. I'm glad that I have weird friends out there who can be normal with me :)
Went to burwood and city later with Jo to buy boots and eat food ...which was fun.

Today was.....paintingness. no more words needed.
Now i just feel like moving to the country and riding horses and walking away from the city webs that one must trudge through everyday for no particular purpose for really doing sheets of paper won't make us any happier or stronger, or appreciative or wiser.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Maybe its because i'm a human being, or because theres a part of me that just wants to feed horses carrots.

DOE was uber uber UBER uber UBER OF THE UBER ness. fun! Not so sure about the start, but things just unfolded into a groundsheet of funness.

  • Realised in the car that the shoes i bought specifically for the trip were not even the same size.
  • Got a mini horse called mini (shetland) that bucked and was agro.
  • Became agro myself (thanks mini) and made bad decisions 
  • Redid tent
  • Got a new/massive horse called ''SJ''
  • At night ate delicious pasta with the most casual un-shiny shiny ever
  • Played truth or dare with whit, jo and anita...which may or may not have included some calls to people from people.
  • Got pokey, my first horse, and ended up loving her. 
  • Stopped at the most amazing place ever complete with an ocean fading into the horizon, beach and layers of mountains also fading into the distance.
  • Then felt depressed because it was so beautiful, i felt so insignificant in this stunning earth, i didn't bring my camera and philosophical.
  • (perfect for all purposes: cloud-watching, star-gazing, taking pictures to enter for our school photographic competition, going on a picnic or date and committing suicide*)

* I would preferrably hire/buy a hand glider and jump off and fly over the oceans and then land somewhere in that mystical blue. what i would do then is still undecided...
Also learnt about the level of ignorance between guys and girls. Clearly its beyond fascinating, but thats another story.

I hear you, do you hear me?
Gold award.
Five days of horse riding somewhere in the snowy mountains.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

thank goodness home is not just a word for me.

For some reason or rather, i remembered my first day of pre-school as i was walking with my friend.
It went something like this:
  • I was wearing my favourite yellow slipper/thongs/sandals with a lion on it
  • I was holding my mum's hand, my mum was talking to another pre-schooler's mum and the other pre-schooler was randomly standing around too...or maybe he/she went off to play because i'm antisocial
  • I felt something tickling my feet..
  • I look down and there are ants crawling all over my feet!!
  • I tell my mum and she tells me to take my shoes off and brush them off
  • And thats how life was at the pre-hours before my educational life
Remember when we were really mini and we had shoes that flashed when you walked on it, and shoes that squeaked when you walked? They were the best.

After dinner i danced randomly to songs with my sister, something we haven't done for a while yet something we used to do everyday in matching outfits when i was 3 and she was 8. had a staring competition with my mum :) daddy looked serious in a photo. felt at peace and highly happy with pepper randomly walking around. At that moment, i thought that everyone should be just as happy as i was, because you have what you have, and thats enough, but its whether you realise that or not that makes the difference.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

not everyone has a knight in shining armour when the night creeps in...

walked Pepper today and took her to the doggy park near my house.
There was a big bad bully dog who kept biting her and her tail,
a small but old dog kept barking at the big bad bully to try help pepper,
the old dog walked away with its owner,
obliged to follow,
the big bad bully kept harassing pepper,
i watched in horror as i tried to help motivate pepper to run away,
the big dog followed,
finally i couldn't take it anymore and shouted at the mysterious big dog,
picked up pepper and ran off into the ...
(Grr i can never read or speak or type that word the same again)

As night came, it got suddenly darker. i drop my phone and can't find it. an old couple found it. i jog home. a creepy man across the street is doing something. i run along. i decide to pretend i'm running away from something horrible. i sprint down the pathway and imagine alice in alice in wonderland and all those heroins in fantasy stories who run from their they never tire? do they never stumble or fall? nor do they ever get caught...why do they always have someone to help them?

so here i was. running. for the sake of running. and i needed help. i needed someone to save me from my strange imagination and bring me to reality. but like i said. not everyone has a knight in shining armour when the night creeps in.

Monday, April 19, 2010

art mart tart fart kart part

So i caught the bus home and realised i left my house keys at home.
Sat outside but ended doing one hour of maths. thats handy..
Now have a painting to do.
Motivation is scarce.
Maybe i should save some motivation so i can last longer in this wilderness of homework...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

sunshine, lollipops and homework.

Today started off well, i managed to practise piano and violin for the first time in a month...i realised how much I miss playing the violin and a particular song: La Folia. It was my exam song and i practised it heaps, I shall make it my goal to keep practising this song if its the last song i can play on the violin. After lunch, I painted for 4 hours. Don't feel like i've gone anywhere still with my painting, and everytime i look at it i want to cry simply because it sucks and i just want to throw it into a compost bin which we don't even have. And that was my day. Clouds were pretty today but i was too busy stabbing my canvas with paint to cloud watch. 

School tomorrow makes me so happy. I'm just waiting for our the next DOE to gallop by and I'll hop on and run across a rainbow somewhere in wonderland.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

An aquarium full of fish and mermaids.

Yesterday I went to the city with Jackie! First I went to her house and watched a bit more Amelie <3 we walked to Darling Harbour and decided we wanted to go the Aquarium. It cost $17 EACH so we spent all our money, with about 4 dollars remaining in total. We saw lots of random fish and big, dark and deep tanks and we thought 'I DON'T WANNA FALL IN!!'..actually that was more me. We saw an alligator, glowing jellyfish, sharks, fish, puffafish, dugongs and wally, as in ''where's wally'' wally. 

We were saying how we used to always go to Darling harbour with our family. Personally, we used to go every weekend and when i was really little, i would get really excited to touch the little pool of water thingy and my mum would touch it with me. and the little squares you jump around on, and i used to love the robot animals where you sit on them and they walk around...
 Jackie and I looking out and the sunsetting darling harbour
Very photogenic jellyfish

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

what is a stranger's cup of tea? we'd never know if we'd never asked.

Today was a fun and interesting day. I went to brodaway with friends and SAN CHUROS. (basically, churros dipped in melted chocolate) we went to the photobooths and a strip of film came out with a very cute and photogenic little boy wearing a batman jumper, and then the strip of photos with my friends. I then thought of three things:
  • Amelie - the movie
  • Barney and Ted - from How I Met Your Mother
  • Tumblr - cool photos
And then I thought about how i always hold back and don't do stuff because its not ethical, or too risky or this or that...and then i thought about sophie's world. This philosphy book we have to read in English. (seriously not helping my philosophical thoughts)

When me and mum were sitting in the car, I was staring at strangers and I saw this cute couple and the guy had a white cane and thought its so cool that he can accept her souly because of her personality and she can look past through his 'disability' and see him for who he is. And that was cool :)

This is Amelie as a child, I think we would have gotten along

Monday, April 12, 2010

yes, i stole dumbledore's pensieve and dived head-first.

HYPATHETICALLY zoooom into the future and lets pretend i'm reading this as a 30 year old lady/woman who decided to look back on the days i was bothered  and had enough time to make a blog...
*ripples of memories*
HEY YOU! yes you/me/i/person/alien...same thing. remember when you and your sister used to watch How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) all the time and you'd just sit there and watch it and it was really funny? maybe you should watch it some time...and remember (no you don't, but heres the) day your sister's friend, actually one-of-best-friends Nancy came over and you played tennis for an hour but it was really hot so you stopped and even though you were on a doubles team with Nancy versing your sister you still managed to lose 3-6? well, at least we won half...wait, i mean, at least YOU won half ..and then you guys went to coles (Nancy drove us) and bought mince and sour cream and an avocado that was a bit tooo unripe? and then you went home and you all got excited because we've never really cooked mince before and we made it and it was yummy and we put it on nachos with beans, cheese, gwakamole and salsa and put it in the oven? oh, and that was the best nachos you had ever eaten?

NO. you don't remember because it was a random day and the above was too detailed, but let me tell you that it was a really cool day because we later watched a studio ghibli movie (porko rosso) and it was interesting and then did homework outside and it was pretty, and I actually got some sort of work done...sort of.

then daddy (yes i still call 'dad' that) cooked his awesome spaghetti with ginger (asian style) and it was yummy as usual and then (which brings me back to the beginning) you watched 4 episodes of HIMYM with your sister and it was HILARIOUS and you especially like episode 9? (season 2) well, no, you don't remember, thats why you're reading this, and hopefully you can remember this day. Because today was a really good day ...okay back to the present now...

whoah. talking to myself is weird.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

wait, what?

art failed. i can't paint. that is why i chose art.
I took pepper on a walk and on our way back home, I saw a little boy jumping around in his own cool bubble and the adults talking adult stuff next to him. Then *KABOOM* and I realise that I was once that young, and I didn't care what others thought, I did what I felt like, and I was hyper. Back when your thoughts aren't quite formed, you think about something, but never finish it, and you just keep moving on. Now its just one thought and you chew on it and progress and you think you're getting closer to the end of that thought but you're just wasting your time thinking about nothing because the more you think about the less worth it has and the less it becomes necessary.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

so I saw a DOE and I thought it was cool.

DOE--> Duke Of Edinburgh
Just about the coolest thing I've done. Camped out at a farm with 20 other girls in my year and rode horses and made our own food for two days. The country air is fresh and crispier than a packet of crisps...because to be honest they're not crisp, they're crunchy, and you won't know a true crisp until you go the country and do nothing but breathe. We go out to the stables and see a mountain of trees in the background.

At night we cooked a packet of pasta stuff and since the sauce didn't thicken, it became a minestrone. Not bad. We made some hot chocolate and after tedious ''shiny shiny'' of pots we started our very own camp fire. What comes to mind??? Roasting Marshmallows. Actually more like burning marshmallows (which are even better). Watching the night sky come alive with thousands of twinkling stars, something only visible in a place without the light pollution of the city.

I rode two horses: pokey and pepper. PP. Pepper was a great horse (heheheh name of dog too) because it was also a training horse. Pokey was slightly hormonal. Listening to Owl City at night with Jo and melting with a happiness that can only be felt.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A 9.8947694 out of 10.

Today was...more than satisfactory. I know this is my second post, but the first was before anything happened.
Reason list:

  • Practised piano (as set out to do)

  • Ate a yummy lunch of turkish bread sandwhich with avocado, philledelphia, chicken salad and beef

  • Ate a yummy lunch with dad and mum and talked about things

  • Pepper was patient enough to sleep on the couch with me today

  • Dad appreciated my piano song and encouraged me

  • We all went out to Birkenhead point and shopped

  • Bought sport shoes

  • Drank a yummy iced chocolate and some of mum's flat white

  • Nice blue-sky weather

  • Watched dad buy suits

  • Although I saw and wanted a dress, mum convinced me I didn't need it

  • Found a size 6 dress from mum's shop that I thought didn't have size 6 left

  • Ate dumplings for dinner with THE sauce. (garlic, vinegar, soy sauce)

  • Ate yummy salt flakes with dad (we appreciate the yumminess of salt)

  • Watched spirited away 

  • Parents liked it

  • Watched spirited away in chinese

  • Now have seen it in three languages

    I guess the only thing left to really complete the day was if it was the whole family, but then nothing is perfect unless it is Jesus and a day can't be Jesus because he wasn't a day. Happy Easter :)

    Saturday, April 3, 2010

    All in one hour and fifty-four minutes.

    These past three days, the sky and weather has been amazing :) perfect cloud in a perfect world of blue. My friend Jo said "straight from the tube" as we walked back from art. Although today started off beautiful, the clouds covered and it started to rain, and now the sun triumphs and I feel happy. Happy weather makes you happy, sad weather makes you sad, other weather makes you feel stuff.

    Snap of the day: Sky Traffic. Just managed to take it as my sister drove off

    "I want to go to Asia." 
    (recent craving)
    "Is that a polaroid...of pearl milk tea?"
    (In the shop mentioned below)
    "Straight from the tube"
    (Jo's clever analogy)

    Went to city with my sister yesterday and walked around. It was fun and we discovered an alternative to easyway, same price, better taste and more...frothy. Going to the city makes me happy. so does listening to fireflies by owl city. so do my friends. So does being productive. This holidays i'm going to make one massive goal to achieve the mini goals i'll set everyday I'm at home. Sound like a plan? Good girl.
