people said hai!!
hello there lovely reader,
i thank you for reading my blog
and saying hi of some sorts
i hope you are well
i shall give you a metaphorical bandaid
so next time you papercut yourself while reading harry potter
you can use it immediately and go back
to the wonderful world
of Harry, Hermoine and Ron.
(and maybe snape and luna too because they are cool.)
it was really good!!
Got through quite a bit of work in art (yes, this is completely unusual for i normally lag 1000 miles behind and end up sitting there doing nothing), got more money from people for tutor group, talked to a girl who i don't talk to much and was happy, handed in our dorcas rug (yes it was a week and a bit late but Pepper has a bit of poop stuck on her butt.) had a free lunchtime and in double japanese we watched the rest of ponyo. which is WEIRD. trust me.
Talked to another girl i don't usually talk to on the bus today and it was interesting :)
For those who dislike winter-->go eat an icecream, it is yummier than in summer.
so there were two even cooler things that made my day:
- someone said that they could see me being school captain (even though this is never going to happen because i would never be near as 'popular' enough and two i wouldn't apply) and that they would vote for me...so sweet ^^
- the fact that people read my blog.
Don't know why but knowing why would spoil the mysteriousness of things that make you pleasantly surprised because then you would more or less expect it and the excitement wouldn't be as exciting.
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