Sunday, June 13, 2010


whoah. i haven't blogged in a long while. 
firstly, why are humans so unappreciative? how come we will always find a way to pity ourselves and be so unhappy with the situation we are faced with? seriously. I even have the access to internet to be able to rant about the human race therefore conveying my extreme luckiness and yet I complain heaps. aren't I great? no. however at the same time as i am able to reflect on how unappreciative i am, i makes me feel a little more appreciative though. somehow. Tonight i decided to do the things i had to do (laundry/peppers poop etc.) more willingly. and just help out because the person i'm helping has it a lot worse than i do. and it felt. good. maybe i'll even try it more often?

secondly, today was horrible and extremely great! ahhahaah juxtaposition yussss english technique. In the morning i went to youth group and service and learnt things and thought more about God (obviously) and went to lunch with my friend which was great, then went home. but then i watched 4 hours of tv. thats not so back started hurting and i felt really really unhealthy. so i jumped 200 times. rested. and jumped 200 more times. yup. without a skipping rope. in the comfort of my heated room, staring at the mirror hoping and thinking that if i jumped enough, one day i would be able to grow to that height i jump to....inspiring. somehow.

thirdly, tonight was really fun. We sat as a family, eating a simple but healthy meal cooked by my mum and talked about where we should go for our next holiday. and other stuff. non-business stuff. well most of it anyway, and it was...nice :) my dad said that new zealand is basically the same as australia. i think not. I argued:

  • New Zealand is a piece of sediment
  • They have 4 sheep per person which is NOT normal
fourthly, i am going to try and pray more often and be more appreciative and 'bothered' with life and helping people and making goals and actually somewhat acheiving them and TRYING to waste less time...i know its just talk and probably unrealistic, but the action starts with the thought..

fifthly, i watched....the world cup last night till 11:30 with my dad. korea vs greece. korea won 2-0. enough said.

sixthly, I HATE HUMAN LOOK A LIKE ROBOTS. i was thinking about it in the middle of the night last night (convenient eh?) and got so freaked out i was mega freaked out. I DON'T WANT TO EVER SEE ONE FOR AT LEAST 50 YEARS OR EVER IF POSSIBLE. jee they are horrible and creepy.

seventhly, dance academy and total drama island are COOL. *new celebrity crush* actually haven't had one in a really long time because everyone is just ugly. google him. jordan rodrigues. *wink wink*

eightly, my goldfish is evil.

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