dammit i hate this.
it was friggin raining all night and my
netball game wasn't cancelled and it was OUTDOOR.
and for the past 30 minutes i have been trying to
figure out whether to go or not because it
is raining, but the hotline tells me it isn't cancelled.
WHAT DO I DO. and i even checked the plc
draw to make sure i was playing outdoor and yes.
we are. and now i'm angry so i'm blogging.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
My Idol(s)

you are amazing.
You are also a bit like a wise and old person
in a younger body,
sort of like benjamin button by the time he is 20.
Although stuff is making you grow up,
try as hard as you can not to stress,
and not to get involved in stuff that is not fun.
Please be happy and not think about unhappy things,
Love Deb.
I also admire my parents, for raising 2 children and starting from nothing, and to where we are now.
I also admire my friends, for being so friendly, and nice and supportive and extremely cool.
I also admire everyone on lookbook, for being very very cool looking.
I also admire my dog, for being happy simply because we are in the house with her.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My Ex
Dear My Ex,
I can't believe you cheated on me and went out with my best friend.
I can't believe that you told me I was pretty and I overheard you saying that
I was ugly behind my back.
I can't believe you said you loved me but wasn't there when I needed you.
And I can't believe that there are people my age who have serious boyfriends and
can't see that guys are idiots and won't know the meaning of Love until 25.
From Deb.
I can't believe you cheated on me and went out with my best friend.
I can't believe that you told me I was pretty and I overheard you saying that
I was ugly behind my back.
I can't believe you said you loved me but wasn't there when I needed you.
And I can't believe that there are people my age who have serious boyfriends and
can't see that guys are idiots and won't know the meaning of Love until 25.
From Deb.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Reflections of a person. not a mirror. humans can reflect too...pffft

I feel so lucky
and so happy
at the moment
I almost feel like its going to end soon.
I know, thats pessimisstic, If i have something good,
I think it will end soon.
But then being optimistic would just be being unrealistic.
So i guess for now being realistic is being pessimisstic.
But don't get me wrong. There is always a bright side.
(I felt that was necessary to say in order to NOT agree
to a certain friend's way of life ;) )
So I had my first dance classes on Friday and they were AWESOME.
our routine is so cool! we called it the 'emo dance'. On saturday
netball was cancelled, very highly thankfully because when I woke up at
7:45 I was still dreaming when i called the hotline.
On sunday, went to youth group + service + ate pho. pho pho pho...sounds like
I"m attempting to same phone through a sneeze.
I don't know why i keep pressing 'enter' and making the format of my post retarded.
like me. Oh, and I"m doing the prayer in next week's youth group (scary)
and I still don't know whether i should row next year......decisions decisions....
The most beautiful people I know
Dear Friends and Family
(gee that sounds like I'm giving a speech on speech day ...
You are beautiful, no matter what they say,
coz words can't bring yooooou down. nooooo,
so don't they bring you down..todayyy.
[totally did not just rip that off christina agulaira's song]
okay. what i MEANT. to say was.
You may not be beautiful on the outside, but you're dam beautiful on the inside :)
because you're not a plum. plums are sour on the outside but sweet on the inside.
and especially not durians. otherwise i wouldn't be friends with you.
Because you guys are bananas! asian on the inside. and completely mental.
okay. i am in a really sarcastic kind of mood.
I apologise.
I did not mean what i said. please forgive me.
I regret comparing you to random fruit,
because really,
you guys are so awesome
that only yourselves are a good enough comparison.
Oh, and another thing. please look after yourself.
Stay healthy. Exercise. Eat well.
Don't let anything get in the way of what you want to do.
Be determined.
and watch.
Dance Academy.
Love Deb.
Friday, July 23, 2010
someone you see everyday but don't talk to
Dear my television,
I love you :)
you make me happy.
You show me the world of Dance Academy,
You give me inspiration,
You kill all my braincells,
but thats okay.
I love you :)
you make me happy.
You show me the world of Dance Academy,
You give me inspiration,
You kill all my braincells,
but thats okay.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Your celebrity crush--OOOOH PICK ME PICK ME! i know who it is!
Dear Jordan Rodrigues,
You are very very very very VERY good looking.
Don't even try to deny it, because i am CERTAIN that you know it too.
I can't believe you were in lion king when you were 12, i am so jealous.
(you just HAD to be talented too)
I don't like it that you don't visit me,
even though you film Dance Academy in Sydney, The rocks.
Thats not very nice of you.
Love, Deb.
You are very very very very VERY good looking.
Don't even try to deny it, because i am CERTAIN that you know it too.
I can't believe you were in lion king when you were 12, i am so jealous.
(you just HAD to be talented too)
I don't like it that you don't visit me,
even though you film Dance Academy in Sydney, The rocks.
Thats not very nice of you.
Love, Deb.
What am I seeing and how am I supposed to react?
These days I feel really lucky...like i have everything i could need or want...and i'm generally just so happy about my life...as in i just want to cry WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE because i feel like it...but i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do about it. I almost feel bad for being so lucky. My mum says i just have to be appreciative and thank God, and that is all i can really do. Can i share my luckiness? I wonder, and in conclusion. Yes it is possible, but no it isn't.
But i guess in all stages of life. we are extremely lucky. but we never notice, because we are tricked into thinking that it means having everything. Maybe being lucky is just having anything at all. At that is great, because I guess even if you are dead you have peace. And you are lucky.
Friday, July 16, 2010
"someone from twilight" NICE.
Dear Bella 'swan',
you are ugly.
you are not special.
you think the world revolves around you.
you must be on drugs because you chose a dead corpse over a fluffy wolf.
the only reason edward likes you is because you smell yummy.
if you didn't exist there would be no deaths, no injuries, no newborns, which lead to more death, and injuries.
instead of simply scraping yourself with a rock, you should have stabbed yourself.
do everyone a favour,
and try and choose a cliff that ISN'T near jacob so that you can actually DIE.
From a non-fan.
you are ugly.
you are not special.
you think the world revolves around you.
you must be on drugs because you chose a dead corpse over a fluffy wolf.
the only reason edward likes you is because you smell yummy.
if you didn't exist there would be no deaths, no injuries, no newborns, which lead to more death, and injuries.
instead of simply scraping yourself with a rock, you should have stabbed yourself.
do everyone a favour,
and try and choose a cliff that ISN'T near jacob so that you can actually DIE.
From a non-fan.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
my most favourite fictional character. now who could that possibly be?
this ones a hard one because i don't read much. *COUGH*
Dear Po,
Roses are red,
Violets are Blue,
and you are red too.
From Deb
P.s I like how you speak cantonese.
Dear Po,
Roses are red,
Violets are Blue,
and you are red too.
From Deb
P.s I like how you speak cantonese.
Monday, July 12, 2010
SORRY I'M LATE! (30 day letter challenge revised by eve and amanda)

A teacher that i like/don't like
Dear teachers,
I love how you are so underdeveloped, that there are days dedicated to you so that you can be developed and we can have a day off.
I love it when you decide that watching a movie is highly educational.
I love it when you are very late, so late that you have missed the period entirely.
I don't like it when you tell us off for not telling you that we had class just because you forgot.
I don't like it when you are mega early and make me look later than i am when i walk in the classroom.
I don't like it when you make us do work on the last day of term and give us holiday homework.
From Deb.
p.s for those of you that don't know, i have a chatbox!!! just click 'tagboard' on the menu bar thingy. talk too mee
Saturday, July 10, 2010
why didn't i see the big fat line between family and friends?
today was so fun!! glebe markets with my beautiful friends!!
- vintage cream blouse with elegant collar $15
- unecessary but awesome sunglasses $5
i was soooooooo happy with my purchases!
its not that i dont' love them as much anymore. its than my parents seem to find that fifteen dollars is a waste of money because it is
'second hand'
'too big'
'doesn't suit me'
'too old for me'
'would suit her better than me'
'i should now be charged for their/our own label (seriously? i don't even have an income.)'
'i should be wearing their clothes not other peoples'
yet on the other hand my friends are so much more supportive of my opinion and decision. i really like it, they gave their honest opinion and encouraged me to get something that i like so much! plus. 15$ for a super awesome blouse? its even cheap for glebe markets. and it didn't smell bad. :p
note to self when i am a grumpy parent: if you're ever going to lecture your daughter about their seriously. harmless fashion decisions (its not even revealing or whatever), the only thing that they will learn is not to tell you next time. and they will also learn that you don't support their decisions. the end.
despite that, my holiday and today was awesome!! on hamilton island it was like summer and SO SO AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
wisdom in writing.

"Sometimes, we all have to face something scary and new. If we're not going to die or starve, there is no harm that is going to be done to us. We just have to face it and go for it. Some people always worry about what others will think of them, but don't, the only thing that matters is that you didn't do wrong or hurt anybody."
"Everyone makes mistakes. When you do, its no big deal. The only thing you can do is try not to make it next time. Sometimes you will fail or not succeed. You just fall over and you have to get back up and continue running. Think about Kevin...what was his last name? (Rudd) Kevin Rudd. He was prime minister and everything changed overnight. Some people may jump off a cliff but you just have to move on. You can't live ashamed, thinking about how others might think of you as a failure, you need to move on"
Friday, July 2, 2010
putting one foot infront of another-yet another thing we take for granted
- woke up at 11
- had porridge
- practised piano (!)
- practised violin (!!!!!!!)
- Did a bit of laundry
- Ate a tomato and cheese toastie while watching dance academy on youtube
- Bludged on the computer for 1 hour
- Did one and a half hours of catching-up-maths (in other words, I was attempting to catch up to the very high level at which everyone is already at)
- Caught the bus to *suburb*
- Watched 3 dance classes (contemporary/hip hop/jazz)
- Had to walk to a restaurant (by then it was very very dark..)
- Waited in a corner by myself, isolated from other people....
- Ordered food
- Finally parents came
- we ate a yum yum dinner and dessert (black sticky rice with vanilla ice cream)
- Am home at last
and all these things. plus so much more, i have God to thank for...I found a dance class i like, with people roughly my age, i didn't get raped, or kidnapped, i caught the right bus, i didn't have to wait more than 1 hour for my parents, i can have yummy food, i have money to catch the bus, the class is very close to home. and i only knew about it because there was a calendar magnet on the side of my fridge facing the wall, and i just happened to notice the ad one day...so luckily....
I put this word under a category.
This category is: By gaining something you lose something and once you gain that something that other thing is forever lost and is impossible to have again
A list:
(the thing that is lost forever) (the thing that is gained)
today. i feel as if i gained independance and lost a weeny bit of dependance. but it was a bit of a plunge. I'm sort of proud of myself. this whole dance thing my mum didn't help me much, if only to pick me up. but that was only once :) i e-mailed/called/researched. when i was little, i was afraid to even call up dominios and order a pizza because i didn't like asking questions or talking to people i didn't know. I even talked to other people. (am i finally losing my awkward anti-socialness? i hope so..) i guess all you need is determination and an inspiring tv show to give you a little push..
Thursday, July 1, 2010
so, how are you twinkling stars?
"you must achieve it in your mind before you can achieve it in reality"
awesome quote much? Today was really fun! Went to *suburb* with my AWESOME friends, watched Eclipse which was...well you could say it pretty much fulfilled my expectations, and you/I probably don't want to type out my expectations because then i will start thinking about the $14 i spent...actually that my mummy spent so thats okaaay!! Went to the awesome cafe thingy that has lots of drinks and yummy food and then to *suburb* park! where I attempted to take cool photos, and ended up playing the 'knot game' and Jo took awesome photos!!
As you can tell from the below evidence:
we're a 'close bunch' BAHAHAHHA i'm funny..
Afew of us then caught a train back to *suburb*/*suburb plus one*. Okay. so I went to *Suburb* to watch a few dance classes, but it didn't start till 4 so i had 1 hour to spare. I walked around randomly feeling like a loner and ended buying a takeaway hot choocolate which was REALLY YUMMYmmmmmmm and then awkwardly sat inside and waited. I watched tap/ballet/jazz. tap was really technical....ballet was okay i guess but not really...jazz was fun looking but pro...and all of them were...well...young. something like 7+?? I'm pretty sure i was the oldest. not. a. good.feeling. but i guess its okay because i sort of look their age anyway...sort of.
My mum then picked me up and i waited at a random chinese restaurant for my dad. I decided to create a one-off collection of coke bottle lids. and take photos of them. because i was. very. very. bored.
If these were traffic lights, the world would be stuck in a time freeze.
After that, my dad finally came and we had dinner and i ordered another hot chocolate. it was REALLY REALLY yummy.
yeah. pro right? mmmmmmm hot chocolate...
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