I feel so lucky
and so happy
at the moment
I almost feel like its going to end soon.
I know, thats pessimisstic, If i have something good,
I think it will end soon.
But then being optimistic would just be being unrealistic.
So i guess for now being realistic is being pessimisstic.
But don't get me wrong. There is always a bright side.
(I felt that was necessary to say in order to NOT agree
to a certain friend's way of life ;) )
So I had my first dance classes on Friday and they were AWESOME.
our routine is so cool! we called it the 'emo dance'. On saturday
netball was cancelled, very highly thankfully because when I woke up at
7:45 I was still dreaming when i called the hotline.
On sunday, went to youth group + service + ate pho. pho pho pho...sounds like
I"m attempting to same phone through a sneeze.
I don't know why i keep pressing 'enter' and making the format of my post retarded.
like me. Oh, and I"m doing the prayer in next week's youth group (scary)
and I still don't know whether i should row next year......decisions decisions....
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