Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
pikuniku in haidu paruku
went to a picnic in hyde park today with my sister and her friends!! took awesome photos with my neww camera and had an awesome time~! (all polaroids seen are from sis's polaroid camera)
enjoy thy photoness. we went to a yummy korean restaurant afterwards and I ate bim-bim-baep? (*spelling)
enjoy thy photoness. we went to a yummy korean restaurant afterwards and I ate bim-bim-baep? (*spelling)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
obsessing over dancing.
At first after I watched the class, i was SUPER intimidated because it was like primary school kids + afew high school girls doing PRO ballet uber technical stuff and i was like ohhhhh.........nooooo...
BUT carrie gave me uber pro advice:
"All you have to decide is whether you want to do it or not. Don't think about whether its too hard, because if you want to do it you're going to do it anyway. The only difference is when you start, now or later. So you might as well start now if you want to otherwise you might regret it"
AlsooooOMG i stilll CAN. NOT. FREAKING. BELIEVE IT. We were in the middle of our hip hop class and shes said the next bit is more lyrical hip-hop where she would choose the 'better dancers' to do it while everyone else waits on the side of the stage for the dance. She taught all of us so we all did it, then she chose some pro people and then chose me!!! i was like.......wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT? and i STILL. CAN. NOT. BELIEVE IT!! i hope i don't come across at boasting, because really its not THAT MASSIVE but its just than i am extremely extroverted and like to tell everybody about bigger things in my life ...and i still can't get over it. wow. wow.
The problem is, I CAN'T EVEN DO IT!! and i look nooby..especially attempting to do a body roll, seriously, try and do one, i can't do it!! and now i'm worried that eveyrone else in the class hates me because i just came and i randomly got chosen even though they understandedly don't udnerstand how and why and i'm worried i won't do it according to the teacher's expectationsssss??????? I also reckon its some sort of challenge from God for me to stay humble.HOWWW.. i'm not quite sure...but i hope i can be humble...Anyway.
The problem is, I CAN'T EVEN DO IT!! and i look nooby..especially attempting to do a body roll, seriously, try and do one, i can't do it!! and now i'm worried that eveyrone else in the class hates me because i just came and i randomly got chosen even though they understandedly don't udnerstand how and why and i'm worried i won't do it according to the teacher's expectationsssss??????? I also reckon its some sort of challenge from God for me to stay humble.HOWWW.. i'm not quite sure...but i hope i can be humble...Anyway.
Dancing is awesome! and so is dance academy :P (6:05 ABC 3 everyone:)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
After a many moons
wow. haven't blogged in a while...
my mum came back from China and bought me a slightly newer version of my dead camera....
soooo its picture time!
Today we went to customs house with jo, ivy and carrie and it was AWESOME. though i feel incredibly
regretful about the random 8 bucks spent at mcdonalds on nothing in particular, but the coke float was really we went to the gulyian cafe later and drank some chocolate banana concoction which was delightful while staring with bewilderment at the beautiful bridge of sydney and the water glisten in the sunlight and wow this is a really really long sentence, really. And people need to stop polluting the waters. because it means that people get a disease called plastojellocinations. plastojellocinations. when someone perfectly normal starts to think jellyfish are plastic bags because THERE ARE SO MANY. jo knows what i mean.
therefore, enjoy :) (omg still can't get over how clear the photos are!)
my mum came back from China and bought me a slightly newer version of my dead camera....
soooo its picture time!
Today we went to customs house with jo, ivy and carrie and it was AWESOME. though i feel incredibly
regretful about the random 8 bucks spent at mcdonalds on nothing in particular, but the coke float was really we went to the gulyian cafe later and drank some chocolate banana concoction which was delightful while staring with bewilderment at the beautiful bridge of sydney and the water glisten in the sunlight and wow this is a really really long sentence, really. And people need to stop polluting the waters. because it means that people get a disease called plastojellocinations. plastojellocinations. when someone perfectly normal starts to think jellyfish are plastic bags because THERE ARE SO MANY. jo knows what i mean.
therefore, enjoy :) (omg still can't get over how clear the photos are!)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
what goes up, must come down.
When people were living in the 1920's, they never really understood how lucky and happy life was. They partied and spent money and built buildings and in general, had the time of their lives. It was until 1931 that previously blue skies turned black with pollution until all great things were blocked by this sludgy period called the depression. No one really knew that something so horrible was coming, because when something is THAT good in such a short period of time, sometimes a wall and a street crash together and the whole world falls apart.
Okay. so how is thisi relevant to anything apart from a history test? well. you know how yesterday i posted a post about being SUPER productive? Let me tell you how 'productive' TODAY was.
Okay. so how is thisi relevant to anything apart from a history test? well. you know how yesterday i posted a post about being SUPER productive? Let me tell you how 'productive' TODAY was.
- Got home at 3:50
- Walked Pepper until 5:15
- Began to watch random crappy tv show
- Sat there and snacked the whole time on unhealthy food until 7:15
- Am blogging.
Now say you decide to shower and NOT snack or watch tv. You step onto a glowing escalator this fluffy instead of retardedly corrugated and almost without effort, climb up on the stairway to the heaven of productiveness and once you have reached the top, you feel like you are floating in the air....because you are. because really, you become an angel in the heaven of productiveness.
So the choice should be simple? Became a piece of crap, or become an angel in the heaven of productiveness? WRONG. because of a little three letter word called SIN. and shapes sensations. a little will only lead to the whole box and a stomach full of retarded wiggly shapes that have been baked not fried even though it probably doesn't make that big of a difference because in the end it just becomes a piece of ****. in your intestines.
Monday, September 6, 2010
- Got home at 3:55
- Walked Pepper until 4:45
- Showered until 4:55
- Began to study maths for 45 minutes
- Took a short break and ate half a brownie
- Continued to study for maths for another 45 minutes
- Took a short break and ate rest of half of brownie
- Studied Japanese for half an hour
- Edited a bit of Science notes
- Dad came home just in time and had YUMMY JAPANESE DINNER
- ばんごはん に にほんごのたべもの を たべます。
- taught dad numbers/age/greetings/family for japanese
- watched random asian drama
- now it is only 8:55, I feel prepared for japanese and a bit more for maths and almost ready to sleep!!
Being productive feels. GOOD. not in a wrong in endorphine way. i think thats how you spell it....and i think i know why. At this point it getse a bit personal...but i think its because God is helping me get through this obstacle that is also known as the exam period.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
leedle beedle of love
I'm not sure if any of you have wondered what my wall looks like...but this is what it looks like :) a lot of poscards/business cards i collected from carriage works markets an autumn's moonlit night ago....
i've got exams coming up and the problem here is i'm just not studying. my logic. no facebook=edit photos on picnik. no picnik/internet=watch tv. no tv= eat food.
I CAN'T WAIT TILL THE HOLIDAYS. unfortunately most of the group is going overseas....but at least its spring.
Saturday, September 4, 2010

left: carrie
right: kath (i know the words are REALLY DEPRESSING but it kinda suited the also looks sort of like a movie poster :O )
pet show today was sort of fun but REALLY EXHAUSTING. we had so many bacon and eggs and corn left but we still made a lot of money. overall it was good but no one really came apart from some teachers forced to be involved and year eights forced to come.
SORRY IF I SEEMED PISSED OR PUSHY TODAY. :( but business is tough in a world where a bacon and egg roll plus a corn is only $6...
Friday, September 3, 2010
I think (I think) I'm finally getting it right
Just had dancing and I FINALLY get it. I dunno..but it is just randomly easier for me to learn stuff and remember it. Nit was right :) I'm soo happy now because classes are now UBER fun rather than fun but really hard-and-i-don't-even-know-the-********-routine. I still don't really know the Jazz routine, but what we learn I can remember :) The teacher says that Carrie and I are picking things up pretty quickly so...
OMG. i wore my awesome jazz shoes today! they were so comfy and pro and awesome :)
at the moment i'm just really tempted to join another studio....(go to two studios)....
and Jo. start classes. :D
OMG. i wore my awesome jazz shoes today! they were so comfy and pro and awesome :)
at the moment i'm just really tempted to join another studio....(go to two studios)....
and Jo. start classes. :D
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