Friday, July 8, 2011

Back from Timor!

Recently returned from an amaaaaaaazing trip from East Timor and this is what it was like in a nutshell!
  • Our room smelt like cigarettes but towards the end it suspiciously just smelt like normal, fresh air..
  • Rooming with Jo was awesome as we both had a similar taste in mosquitoes: paranoia and hatred
  • The children there are so happy and cute and photogenic
  • They can be so content with the necessities, so something luxurious like a pencil case makes their day
  • Washing paint brushes is really hard
  • Washing paint rollers is death
  • Spahetti bolognaise is yummy...unless eaten repeditvely throughout a one week period
  • ICE OR TAP WATER IS NOT TO BE EATEN IN EAST TIMOR, therefore bottled water must be used not only to drink but to brush the teeth
  • the mTV channel is awesome. but too much of Lady Gaga and 'edge of glory' *shudders*
  • snorkelling was awesome and creepy at the same time (i have a fear of underwaterness)
  • Saw a rainbow fish and blue starfish
  • It is possible to get motion-sickness while snonrkelling
  • A coconut just taste like water.........
  • Their markets are STUNNING and bargaining skills aquired from China are handy
  • Jay-walking is happily legal and encouraged if you want to get across the road
  • Milk can be a problem if the only milk-company-supplier tries to smuggle alcohol and gets banned throughout Dili i guess not so much of a nutshell aye? more like a ....bombshell??? er. Along with the experience, I also unexpectedly made friends and got closer to other people in our year, which is always really nice :) Going there has also inspired me to travel to other third world countries and/or go on missions later in life :)
