- Our room smelt like cigarettes but towards the end it suspiciously just smelt like normal, fresh air..
- Rooming with Jo was awesome as we both had a similar taste in mosquitoes: paranoia and hatred
- The children there are so happy and cute and photogenic
- They can be so content with the necessities, so something luxurious like a pencil case makes their day
- Washing paint brushes is really hard
- Washing paint rollers is death
- Spahetti bolognaise is yummy...unless eaten repeditvely throughout a one week period
- ICE OR TAP WATER IS NOT TO BE EATEN IN EAST TIMOR, therefore bottled water must be used not only to drink but to brush the teeth
- the mTV channel is awesome. but too much of Lady Gaga and 'edge of glory' *shudders*
- snorkelling was awesome and creepy at the same time (i have a fear of underwaterness)
- Saw a rainbow fish and blue starfish
- It is possible to get motion-sickness while snonrkelling
- A coconut just taste like water.........
- Their markets are STUNNING and bargaining skills aquired from China are handy
- Jay-walking is happily legal and encouraged if you want to get across the road
- Milk can be a problem if the only milk-company-supplier tries to smuggle alcohol and gets banned throughout Dili
Friday, July 8, 2011
Back from Timor!
Recently returned from an amaaaaaaazing trip from East Timor and this is what it was like in a nutshell!
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