Saturday, March 19, 2011


i am living an unappreciative life.
I feel like i want to press fast forward untill graudation
and escape into the freedom of uni life and independance.
but i know future me would scold this behaviour and thinking,
how could past me be so narrow minded and idiotic?
childhood and youth is constantly fleeting, why provoke it?
i must learn to live fully. day by day.
but how?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

strange things

this one here is by the talented Jane :)

so i've found that so far, this year, i've been (unexpectedly) organised with assignments, homework and study. I've been finishing homework at least a few days beforehand and planning ahead with assignments. strange? I think so! last year. i'd be leaving it untill last minute, not being conscientous in class and generally not being organised/thinking ahead.

although i'd very much like to pat myself on the back as i do too often, really its because God is helping me out. Towards the beginning of the year i was EXTREMELY stressed ALL the time EXTREMELY tired and constantly getting sick. Now my prayers (have literally) been answered and i can almost meld into this regime. Before EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. was torture and i was bordering on sickness all the time.

but weirdly enough yesterday and today, i have managed to...wait for it...
which is a bit sad since i've had free and mASSIVE afternoons both days.
(home from 4 onwards!)
yesterday i watched tv for about 3 hours
and today i've gone on my laptop for about 3 hours.
wow. not wasting my life at all...
i think its a rebellion.

i don't have any PARTICULAR homework/major stuff and i'm really tired and feeling a bit teenager lazy and unbothered and life-sucks-but-i'm-not-going-to-do-anything-about-it.
sigh. i hope my streak isn't ending..........

cockatoo island.....only about 4 of my photos came out clear and i have to go again! lucky me! :/
on the bright side i'm SUPER excted because my shift this week is on friday afternoon therefore i have a WHOLE ENTIRE FREE SATURDAY!!!!
(though i'll probs end up bludging the whole day)

when time is a luxury i don't make the best of it.
when time is fleeting i do make the best of it!!
