Friday, June 4, 2010

Daddy part two.

So remember when i told you about how when my dad was 10 he BUILT A RADIO and his whole town was like 'whoah' because radios in general were like 'whoah' unlike these days when radios a 'meh' and we're all 'whoah' about stupid three dimensional televsion?

well turns out, it wasn't just radios he was interested in. I was playing Through the Kaleidescope on piano by Steven Cravis, and i was talking to my parents about the title, and i asked my dad if he knew what a keleidescope was, and ofcourse, he did, i got out a really cheapo one in the cupboard, and he looked through it while i played, well, through the kaleidescope! i thought that was pretty cool. he said when he was younger, the family had one, and he'd stare at it for ages and wonder how on earth it worked. So he took it apart and figured it out. mirrors. but he couldn't put it back together again so he told his dad he 'dropped it'. you can probably guess whether or not his dad chose to believe him...

Another 'whoah' thing when he was young was clocks. they had one in the family and it was put somewhere where the children couldn't reach it, because it was that precious. My dad couldn't figure out how come every hour or so, a chicken would pop out of nowhere and how it worked in general, so he took it, and, er, took it apart using screws etc. Unfortunately, he couldn't remember how he had took it apart, and he left it. broken. His dad eventually found out and he got in BIG trouble. They ended up keeping their fixed new clock only in his parents room where NO ONE but them could see touch it.

I asked him about his brothers. Did they like to take apart stuff too? Turns out. they did. His second eldest brother was interested in bikes and cars. When they got a really crappy bike, he took it apart and reassembled it. Eventually, he learnt how to fix bikes. The town would give him bikes to fix, and he'd fix it. His eldest brother built cages for their chickens and other animals. Yes. they lived on a farm. in the country. in a village. in china. Apparently his third eldest (my dad is 4th and youngest son) didn't specialise in much, just liked reading. :)

I realised. I LOVE listening about stories about my parents. their lives are so much more interesting than ours. They have experienced a lot more than we can ever imagine. So many things have changed and they've watched the world develop around them. 'struggles' is an underestatement. For me. a lucky next generation kid born in australia going to a good school, the hardest thing right now is getting over this virus thing and trying to appreciate stuff.

As for this super-long post, it doesn't end. go ahead, fall asleep, i'll scream in your ear when i'm done.

I watched spirit today. twice. and like i said a couple posts ago. I WANT TO BE A HORSE. watching them run so wild and so free in such a beautiful inspiring...and making me depressed. The soundtrack is gorgeous and I REALLY. REALLY. WANT. TO. BE. A HORSE. preferrably Spirit's girlfriend :)

good day.

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