Saturday, July 17, 2010

What am I seeing and how am I supposed to react?

These days I feel really i have everything i could need or want...and i'm generally just so happy about my in i just want to cry WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE because i feel like it...but i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do about it. I almost feel bad for being so lucky. My mum says i just have to be appreciative and thank God, and that is all i can really do. Can i share my luckiness? I wonder, and in conclusion. Yes it is possible, but no it isn't.

But i guess in all stages of life. we are extremely lucky. but we never notice, because we are tricked into thinking that it means having everything. Maybe being lucky is just having anything at all. At that is great, because I guess even if you are dead you have peace. And you are lucky.

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