Monday, April 26, 2010

Melanoma never felt so good-In memory of Friday 23rd

Picture this-->trapped inside a dull, indoor auditorium for 2 hours. You feel coldness whether it be from the conditioning or the utter boredom blown through your ears. You walk outside and feel the sudden but pleasant warmth and vitamin D of the sun.

Jo, Carrie and I literally lay in the sun with our handbooks over our faces (you have no idea, it was soothing because the pages were...refreshing?) We lay our heads on our surprisingly comfortable laptop cases (which are hard cased) and lay there. I'm glad that I have weird friends out there who can be normal with me :)
Went to burwood and city later with Jo to buy boots and eat food ...which was fun.

Today was.....paintingness. no more words needed.
Now i just feel like moving to the country and riding horses and walking away from the city webs that one must trudge through everyday for no particular purpose for really doing sheets of paper won't make us any happier or stronger, or appreciative or wiser.

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