Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sometimes you just need someone to O* to what you are told for your sanity to stay in a jar somewhere. Luckily I have a sister.

* had a word starting with O but forgot it. read my mind and go find it for me, when you find it, tell me and i'll be a happy person. was it ''object" ?? I don't ask me.

RE today--> COMPLETE silence. Carrie, Annie and I were cracking up because highlighting was loud, sharpening was loud, shaking the banned-but-not-really-whiteout was EXTREMELY loud and the worst part was, we had to laugh silently because it was so quiet, when carrie dropped her sharpener on the table it was loud enough to be the atmoic bomb and kill everyone's microscopic hair cells.

 In the car before we went, mum and i had a mini argument and then went to Burwood to shop and eat chilli, sichuan food. After the argument, i told her about my two marks that i am EXTREMELY happy with and she was like 'congratulations' in mega sarcastic voice...i later asked why she didn't seem happy and she said she'd rather me respect her and me do badly...if i'm going to be smart than i can be smart, but she won't care as long as i have respect...and that sort of made me angry and feel like just not trying anymore...would she prefer it if i failed school, wasn't smart enough to find a job and had to have her pay for me but respect her?

On the bright side...i taught pepper how to shake my hand :)
oh yeah, life long goal: I WANT TO BE A HORSE. (not joking)

"I would rather live my life thinking there was a God and die to find out there isn't, than live a life thinking there isn't and die to found out there is." Room 19. YES. IT SPOKE TO ME.

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